Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Competition & DFP SB's Dynamic Allocation

Many publishers find themselves at a unique point where it makes financial sense to invest in an ad server in order to bring in new sources of demand that compete with each other. For these publishers, a secure and easy to use ad server will help them grow their ad operations and enable them to source new streams of revenue.

This post will cover DoubleClick for Publisher's dynamic allocation feature, which allows publishers to set different demand sources to compete with Google's own AdSense ad network.

Competition is a publisher's best friend. Inherent to the dynamic allocation feature is the notion that competition will yield more buyers who will bid higher for inventory thus driving up revenues for a publisher. This concept is so critical that many publishers have seen double digit increases in their revenue simply because of more non-guaranteed competition.

A few things to note:
1. Make sure you have a valid AdSense account associated with your DFP account.
2. When trafficking new demand sources, be it other ad networks, etc., always traffic these demand sources at a Price Priority and ensure the right CPM is being used within DFP. This will allow DFP to accurately price impressions within the auction, ensuring you as the publisher will win out over the long run.
3. Check to make sure that dynamic allocation is enabled for each new ad unit. This will ensure you have some demand to fill even if there are no other sources of demand in the ad server.

The goal here is and always will be to drive more revenue to publishers in a smart and methodical way. In another post, we will explore direct sales and specifically the concept of direct non-guaranteed ad sales, thereby allowing you to maximize the value of your remnant inventory while also commanding higher premium CPMs.

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